
"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page" St Augustine

Tuesday 10 July 2012

A Manc and a Bristolian hit New York: Part One

New York City: the Big Apple, so good they named it twice, the city that never sleeps, yada yada yada... To me, it is just one thing: The Land of Carrie Bradshaw. Yes, NYC may be packed full of famous art galleries, wondrous museums, historical sites and fascinating architecture but I went there for one reason and one reason only... because it’s the home of my favourite programme of all time, Sex and The City.

                                        St Patrick's Cathedral - proper architecture

I understand this may seem slightly tragic to some. And it gets worse. Not only did I only want to go there because of the show but when I did eventually get there, all I did was visit places that were introduced to me within it! Ok, so we went to see the Statue of Liberty – not technically a SATC landmark – but we got the Staten Island ferry to see it which Carrie-addicts will remember from season three, episode one when the girls hopped on it to go to a sexy fireman contest (there was that really funny scene when Charlotte is hammered on the ferry on the way back and it was actually kind of like that because it was New Year’s Day and we were absolutely hanging. Trust me, iIt definitely looks more fun on tele than it is in real life.)
                                    View of the Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island ferry
We also stayed in the Waldorf Astoria which doesn’t play a major part in the series but it’s only because we couldn’t afford The Plaza – the scene of Mr Big’s marriage to evil stick figure Natasha – and because it’s on Park Avenue so near enough to Saks and Bloomingdale’s that we could pretend to be really rich New Yorkers with money to burn even though we never seem to do any work.

So, those facts aside, the plan was to basically be Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha for the week – that is, rather than Lauren and Fran, the students from England who had just turned 21 and were blowing their student loans on a pilgrimage to New York!
First stop, the Chrysler Building. I had to go and see what all the fuss was about. Our leading lady loves this building so much it’s what she calls Big when he tells her he’s leaving the city for the Napa Valley wine country. And it was worth the trip alone. We saw it at dusk and I promise you the sparkling lights which adorn this slender building could brighten up any sky. This art deco-style masterpiece screams diamonds, star sparkle, je ne se quoi and it just completely represents New York and all it stands for. Go see it (42nd Street and Lex).

Next stop, food. Luckily we had our very own Stanford Blatch/Anthony Marentino (delete as appropriate), our friend and Manhattenite Dan, to book us into Buddakan months earlier. As I’m sure you know, it’s the scene of the ill-fated pre-wedding dinner the night before the fairytale is supposed to end happily ever after – clearly we couldn’t eat anywhere else! And within moments of sitting down, I was thanking the SATC gods that out of all the swanky haunts in the city, they chose Buddakan, because they only went and had my favourite wine on the menu! Not only that but it wasn’t even an extortionate price – Macon-Villages White Burgundy if you’re wondering.

The famous doors where Miranda spoke to Steve after he turned up at the restaurant to try and get her back then she fatefully told Big marriage ruins everything!

It started well and just got better with every course. Pan-Asian cuisine has never tasted so good, the staff were attentive and friendly without being overbearing and the atmosphere was electric. Everyone should go there. It is achingly cool without being  full of itself and both the food and drinks really are to die for – though you couldn’t part me from the vino, my friends tried various cocktails and assured me they were incredible. Even the desserts were up there with the best sweet treats I’ve ever tasted – and if you knew how much I spent at the dentist, you’d know that’s not an insignificant compliment. It’s on 75th and 9th, it’s reasonably priced and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough. Check it out www.buddakannyc.com
                                           Seriously good desserts and Fran aka Charlotte

Until next time, Lauren x

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